Gaming Now

Batman: Arkham City Leaked!

Image by Anime Nut via Flickr

I have been sent multiple sets of links from various different file hosts containing a retail rip of Batman: Arkham City. It is an XGD3 game so LT+2.0 is required for play. If you are on the latest firmware then you can download and play it now. The game is not due for release untill the 18th of October.

The process of burning an XD3 game is pretty different than burning older Xbox 360 games. It’s so different in fact that I have uploaded a video to youtube on how to do it and it’s been pretty damn popular so I’m going to write an article on how to do it and I’ll link it to burning an XGD3 game.

I won’t be providing these download links to the general public but if you want to find out where I got then then leave a comment below using an e-mail address you check often and I will forward you the mail from the person who informed me about the leak and provided me with the mutiple download servers as proofs of the leak.

Expect a review of sorts to be posted here in the coming days once the leak gets played by some people.