Retro Games

Written by William on October 7, 2011 and posted in Uncategorized.
Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. & Donkey Kong II

Image by Rob Boudon via Flickr

What constitutes as a retro game? For me retro is games I played a long time ago… games like Pong, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Centepede, Zelda and even games like Sonic, Super Mario World and maybe even pushing it onto the early N64/PS1 days. That might be pusing it Ocarinal Of Time and Final Fantasy 7 might be classics but they’re not retro… yet!

I’m going to play first and then some of these older games and showing them that the future is boss! Starting with Sonic 1 – I’ll be uploading it onto my YouTube account for you all to seem me powering through. 😀

What exactly do you class as a RETRO game? Leave a comment below and let me know.