Revenge of the Gods – Episode 1
The new Gaming Now Minecraft Server team play through the Minecraft Puzzle map: Revenge of the Gods. Revenge of the Gods – Episode 1
The new Gaming Now Minecraft Server team play through the Minecraft Puzzle map: Revenge of the Gods. Revenge of the Gods – Episode 1
Who remebers the Eifel Tower blowing up in MW3? That was cool 🙂 www.gamingnow.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-3-Paris-noooo.jpg?fb_ref=wp
Since Assassins Creed III is out on the 31st I think it would be appropriate to carve this into one of my pumpkins, what do you think?
The latest addition to the Angry Birds Family is Angry Birds Star Wars. It comes out November 8th on all the major platforms.
I posted this on the Facebook Page and it went down quite well. Here is Goku from Dragon Ball Z punching a Creeper in the face LOL!
The Minecraft 1.4 Pretty Scary Update 2012 is due on the 24th of October. It brings new mobs, a new boss and new blocks. Blocks include Command Blocks and Beacons. There are sounds to go with the new mobs and …
You may not be shocked to hear that there’s DLC on the Resident Evil 6 disk – it’s one of Capcom’s special moves. You might, however, be shocked to find out that it’s coming later for free in a title update!
Mario in Mineraft – Full level built and played in 3D The other nite I was thinking about what I could build in Minecraft that would be cool. I’d played hours and hours of Tekkit but I fancied going back …
The first limited edition 3DS XL (the 3DS XL is known as 3DS LL in Japan) console is going to feature Pokemon’s lovably cute Pikachu! This super cute console companion leaps from the upper screen at you just crying out for a hug. Check out the Pikachu 3DS XL below.
Game Wallpapers for your desktop Recently I have added a whole fresh batch of game wallpapers to the wallpaper rotation on my laptop. On my laptop I have Windows 7 and by now you all know it supports wallpaper rotation. …
Back in December 2010 Microsoft filed patent application 20120159090 to the US Patent and Trademark Office for a “SCALABLE MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE WITH QOS GUARANTEES“. What that means to your average everyday gamer is: A console that can have the …
Facebook Timeline Cover photos I’m building a collection of game themed Facebook Timeline cover photos for you to use for your profiles and pages. If you don’t know what a Facebook Timeline Cover Photo is – it’s the profile top …
Minecraft Cutots The Minecraft 1.7.3 update has gone live today. In celebration I decided to share some pictures of the Minecraft papercraft models that my girlfriend made. I promised you that I would share pictures of her Enderdragon papercraft in …
Don’t forget that Gaming Now has a Facebook Page. 500 likes and climbing 😀
At Gaming Now we have been making tons of Papercraft for your gaming delight. From Minecraft to Zelda and Angry Birds to Dragons. We have been making a huge verity of stuff.