The Best of Gaming Now in 2012

Well it’s almost the end of 2012, 343 Industries officially took over from Bungie as the creators of Halo; Franchise games like FIFA, Need For Speed and CoD were released, Mobile and Tablet gaming continued to grow thanks, in part, …

COD BO2 BOII Zombies Tranzit

How to turn the power on in Green Run Tranzit – Black Ops 2

A lot of people are needing to know how to turn the power on in Black Ops 2 Tranzit. I have played more Zombies than I’d care to admit and I know exactly how to turn on the power so I thought I’d write a complete guide on everything you need to know to turn on the power and include a bunch of PRO TIPS and help with ever single aspect of the Lab area of Green Run.

Black Ops 2

Treyarch Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Treyarch Call of Duty – Black Ops 2 Ever since 2007 when Infinity Ward brought CoD shooting and screaming it’s way into modern times, CoD’s been nothing short of a growing phenomenon year after record-breaking year. But after so long, …