I'm at Austin Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) (Austin, TX) w/ 49 others
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#SMX session on '14#SEM: by Pamela Parker CairdExpand Collapse -
So great to see you! RT
@JoeKerschbaum: I have spied thus far at#smx@aimclear@beebow@ebkendo@bgtheory@pamelaparker@HeatherCooan -
Visiting a friend who lives way up high!
@petershankman thank goodness I brought my Texas clothes! -
In 5 min: Pro-level Tips For Succeeding At Retargeting with
@mannyrivas@rocketfuelinc@pamelaparker@halyardconsult#smx#13DRetweeted by Pamela Parker CairdExpand Collapse -
You know you are in bad shape when you look in your bag for a pen and only find this
I'm at Grand Central Terminal -
@grandcentralnyc (New York, NY) w/ 25 others -
Oh the souls of honking car horns, I missed you so. (@ John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) w/ 195 others)
Off to
#SMX East! (@ Austin Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) w/ 29 others) -
@marketingland: Mobile/location features on#iOS7 that marketers shouldn't ignore. -
Wow! RT
@bfeld: our meadow w/a new "crevasse" through it as a result of the floods. The POWER of water going downhill -
So useful! And impressive! RT
@marketingland: How To Create Interactive Charts In Excel by@AnnieCushing -
Have I mentioned that I am having an amazing time in Scotland?
#vacation -
Almost 2 wks in Scotland and I think I've finally figured out what side of the car to get in.
Interesting! RT
@edge: 10K-year "Clock of the Long Now" about to become a reality thanks to funding by Jeff Bezos. -
On YouTube, Funny Ads For Menstruation, Condoms & Butt Wipes That Would Never Air On TV by
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